Originálne, štýlové, ručne vyrábané sklenené motýliky
Sklenené motýliky nie sú len funkčný doplnok, ale aj výnimočný výtvarný šperk, ktorý dodá nositeľovi výnimočnosť, originalitu a odlišnosť.
A Slovenský dizajn
In addition to being 100 percent recyclable, the polypropylene shell chair’s subtle matte texture offers a soft tactility as well as notable durability.
Ručná výroba
In addition to being 100 percent recyclable, the polypropylene shell chair’s subtle matte texture offers a soft tactility as well as notable durability.
Výtvarný šperk
In addition to being 100 percent recyclable, the polypropylene shell chair’s subtle matte texture offers a soft tactility as well as notable durability.
Dizajnové línie
In addition to being 100 percent recyclable, the polypropylene shell chair’s subtle matte texture offers a soft tactility as well as notable durability.
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